
"Our early experiences can limit or foster our intelligence."

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The curriculum is designed to actively engage children in hands-on, multi-sensory activities that are meaningful to them.  Developmentally appropriate practice emphasizes that activities should be both challenging and achievable for children.

All areas of the curriculum are integrated throughout the day. Curriculum is based on units that are relevant to children's lives and their world. Good literature provides the foundation for planned activities that are often done in small groups where children have the opportunity to explore specific concepts.

We believe that play should be the center of a well-balanced curriculum, and provide children the opportunities to develop the necessary skills and knowledge essential for later school success. Opportunities for conflict resolution, problem solving, enhancing pro-social behaviors, and developing processing skills which greatly influence intellectual development are crucial for children.


Classrooms are designed to meet the specific needs of each child. We maintain low adult to child ratios.  The staff is both experienced and educated reflecting the rigorous criteria of NAEYC teaching standards.  The curriculum is guided by their deep understanding of how children learn and develop both intellectually and socially.  The staff's passion for the field of child development drives them to attend and teach educational in-services and workshops.

The Preschool implements curricula that fosters:

  • Concrete experiences in math, science and language development
  • An environment that encourages children to develop a sense of curiosity and inquiry
  • Activities that are meaningful to children and respect how they learn
  • A daily schedule that balances child initiated activities and teacher planned activities
  • A nurturing social climate where children learn to solve their problems peacefully
  • An environment in which children can explore, experiment, and take risks
  • Respect for individual differences and learning styles
  • Foundational skills to promote later school success
  • Opportunities to build community and share family traditions